Our Lease Advisory Service for lease renewals and rent reviews are important milestones in a commercial lease for both landlords and tenants.

While rent reviews are usually linked to market values, the actual drafting of a commercial lease can influence how the new rent is calculated and may contain provisions that need to be taken into account. Most leases will have rent review clauses that set out how the rent review is to be agreed. This is usually based on Market Rental Value. Our advice will consider the lease terms and how these might affect the outcome of the rent review and negotiate on your behalf with the other party’s surveyor to ensure that the rent agreed is the correct level.

The outcome of a rent review can be strongly influenced by an experienced professional adviser and our experienced, proactive approach combined with first-hand market knowledge will ensure the best result. If you would like to discuss further please contact or Simon Kibble or Shaun Wolfe on 020 8748 1200

Island Studios

Island Studios

St Peters Square
Hammersmith W6

Rent Reviews & Renewals

Various rent reviews & renewals, both landlord & tenant.

Property details 

5 Grosvenor Gardens


Rent Review

Rent review by Simon Kibble of 8,000 sq ft educational building in 2019.
